West Preston Lakeside FC
Football - Australian Rules • Victoria

Volunteers requested

18 Oct 2022 by Deanne Golledge
Dear Members

It’s time to help one of our greats. Kev Hardy has had a tough time lately doing the unthinkable moving from the Pies to the Blues, a few major operations but that’s not the end of it.
He needs a bit of help with his unit.
We’re looking at willing and able people to assist, this should apply to everyone.
Plans are to do some work on Saturday morning Oct 22nd. Kev’s family will supply a refreshing beverage & snag afterwards.

We need the following

Moving van?
Carpet steam cleaner ?
Sparky front security light?
Bin hire ?
Connect washing machine plumber?
Put bed queen together
Lock on garage
Install Door bell
Muscle power to move furniture out and in
Garden maintenance
Kitchen tidy/ cleaning
General cleaning
If you can help & what you can assist contact:

Jon Hyde 0412 939 174
Sean Golledge 0417 357 198
Dooga 0410 601 637

Thank you for your support it’s very much appreciated.